from Marta with Love

It’s never too early for a fall fabric stack.

You read your calendar correctly.  It’s July 30th, people.  August is a day away!  Schools start in a few weeks and even with the Summer Olympics in full swing (U-S-A!  U-S-A!), fall still feels like it’s just a breath away.  Sooooo you’ll imagine my excitement when my order of Madrona Road arrived this Saturday to help make this fall-like stack.

Yes, as I have been made aware by my oh-so-keen boyfriend, the text prints are upside-down. I’ve dealt with this issue internally and have chosen to put it behind me.

I’m not normally wild about orange, but the orange action in Madrona Road has reeled me in (not gonna lie, I might’ve squealed a little when I saw the tangerine haystack print).  As for what type of quilt I plan to make, let me get back to you because now is a time for volleyball.  Lots of volleyball.  I don’t want to miss a minute of our American butt-kickers kicking butt.

Ya dig?

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  • Melissa

    Personally, I think you should have fixed the text prints and taken the picture again. My eyes are burning over here.

    July 31, 2012 at 12:52 am Reply
  • Flaun

    Gorgeous stack! I’d play with that while watching some volleyball if it were in my studio. Feel free to message me for my address.

    July 31, 2012 at 7:16 am Reply
  • Emily

    Awesome fabrics!
    Go USA!!!

    July 31, 2012 at 12:59 pm Reply
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