My dad is leaving for Poland in a couple days so I snapped to and made some small goodies for my two favorite people in the entire world: my sweet, classy, devoted grandma (“Babcia”) and my over-the-moon phenomenal, kind, hilarious, generous aunt, Jola (pronounced yo-la). I made them each a quilt last summer, so this year I scaled the gifts down quite a bit.
Pouch for Babcia
My first experiment in designing my own paper piecing pattern. A success!
Gave it an obligatory spritz of Coco inside. Sure, think it’s weird. But the ladies in my family are perfume lushes and appreciate this more than you know! Sends a little piece of me with the gift when I can’t deliver it myself.
Gathered clutch for Jola
Noodlehead tutorial. Made with tons of love (but you knew that).
Every flatteringly descriptive word in the dictionary combined wouldn’t do these women justice. When you get us together we’re a crazy bunch who stays up until 4 a.m. laughing our asses off while catching up on everything we missed since the last visit (actually it’s mostly my mom, my aunt and I who act like teenage girls. My grandma just observes as we make asses out of ourselves and either laughs or shakes her head but can’t leave the room either way. We often laugh at how cute she looks when she falls asleep in her chair, ’cause we’re mature like that). These nights make up some of my absolute best memories.
Lastly, lest we forget: dog stank eye.

Is that…? Is that…?!!!! I’m frozen. Mom I can’t move. I literally am having a heart attack and can’t express my agony. I just died. You sat and watched me die.

You’re not letting me help with the lawn? I didn’t run away last time, I just hopped across the street to see if Walter needed help putting his trash on the curb and found myself running a little farther than expected. And anyway that was ages ago. You’re still holding a grudge? Really, this seems a little extreme.
Have a nice weekend 🙂
lovely gifts, and your dog is cracking me up!
October 20, 2012 at 1:29 amAmiee
OH MY GOSH those are so cute! You have gone from making quilts to this! I will pay you to make me a little bit of a larger cosmetic bag! That way when people ask where I got it from I can say from a friend there’s not another one like it (yeah I’m special like that). And little bean bean with her stank eye! I miss her and the grumpy old man!
October 20, 2012 at 1:49 ambasildonkitchens
Beautiful pouches, and I so ‘get’ the perfume thing! 🙂 The dogs are adorable and your photo captions are hilarious!
October 20, 2012 at 5:09 amnicke
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is terrifying! Love those pouches! Love those pooches!
October 20, 2012 at 9:04 amTamie
Love your gifts. I’m sure they will be much appreciated.
October 20, 2012 at 9:08 amJess H
I’d love to be a fly (or spider) on the wall with you and the women in your family. Beautiful work!
October 21, 2012 at 8:17 amMolly Edwards
Just when we think we’ve seen it all…these are awesome!! I second Amiee on the cosmetic bag idea. Great job, girl – they are sure to love them.
October 22, 2012 at 10:48 amKelsey
Oooh I’d love a pouch with some coco spritzed inside 🙂 adorable pouches!
October 23, 2012 at 1:22 pmBrenis
Marta, your pouches are adorable!! They are going to be much loved! But I gotta tell ya, the captions on your dog pictures just killed me!! Anyone with dogs knows how absolutely true they are! LOL! I’ve totally missed getting to go to the last 4 or 5 guild meetings 🙁 Wish they were closer so it wouldn’t be an all day thing!
October 25, 2012 at 11:21 am